Sunday, May 04, 2008

Chauncey displays his trophies

I entered the boys into a pageant this weekend of course against the wishes of Ivan. Chauncey ended up taking 2nd in the overall division for Baby Mr. and he also won the Personality Plus award. It was such a cute contest. Afterwards Chauncey walked off stage and ran over to Ivan and said, " Daddy I did it!" It was sooo cute. I'm not sure if I will continue to enter them into pageants, but it was a a nice experience. They theme was beachwear so everyone was dressed in beach attire.

Yes I think I look hot and sexy. I am back to prepregnancy weight, however, I am still working on toning up my tummy area. A couple more inches to go and I will have my six pack back, Whoohoooo! I must say it was harder this time getting the weight off than with Chauncey and I only gained 25 pounds with Darius.