Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hugs and Kisses from Chauncey and Darius

Oh my goodness, if you only knew the heartache I went through trying to get these darn pictures taken. Beleive it or not Darius was an ANGEL. It was Chauncey that was a mess. On top of all the drama he gave me, I am dealing with potty training. So of course you know we had an accident during the session. Luckily I came prepared and we proceeded with the session. I was determined to get through with it.
In this picture Chauncey is 2 and Darius is 6 months. The time seems to be flying by. I can't even remember being pregnant with Darius 6 months ago. Darius is just growing bigger everyday of course, and he even has 2 teeth at the bottom. Needless to say, I am no longer nursing (sad face).
Chauncey is getting into everything as usual and going through the TERRIFIC TWOS! We are in the process of potty training but we do NOT use pull ups...only big boy underwears. Surprisingly, he is doing pretty good. Every now and then we have a set back. On Sunday he actually told me he had to go "Pee Pee" Obviously I was ecstatic about this. The trick now is keeping him consistent. Just another trial to overcome in parenting I guess. But I love it!