Saturday, July 25, 2009

Joaquim has arrived!

Joaquim Matai arrived on Thursday, July 23 at 7:25 pm. He was 6lbs 4oz and 18 inches long. This was the EASIEST childbirth EVER. I went at 5 cm dilated and no contractions at the recommendation of my doctor. After several hours of waiting, I finally got an epideral, they broke my bag and I immediately went up to 7.5 cm, but still no contractions. They started the ptosin drip and then it was on! Within 30 minutes Joaquim was ready to enter the world. He made his way down the birth canal practically on his own and I had the urge to push. Of course I had to wait for them to set everything up....the doctor wasn't even ready (there were 3 others in labor at the same time). When everyone was finally in place, I gave 2 big pushes and out came Joaquim. What a pleasant delivery...thank you Jesus!

Not quite sure how Darius is adjusting to Joaquim yet.

Gondala tour in Palm Springs

Headed to Toddler Boot Camp at the Library
Enjoying Cinnamon rolls and milk in the backyard

Darius playing at Chris' and Jadon's house

Chauncey crackin and egg into this cinnamon roll dough

Chauncey excited about making cinnamon rolls.

Chauncey and Jadon

Chris and Darius

At the library

Making Cinnamon rolls

8 months

California Science Museum

Me and my boys 8 mo pregnant with Joaquim
Darius enjoying a frosty from Wendy's

Chauncey having fun at J.A.M. playgroup

Chauncey posing silly with his friend Dominic

Darius "walking on water" at JAM

Chauncey "walking on water" at JAM

Chauncey and Darius enjoying an ice cream sandwich after JAM