Friday, May 23, 2008

Hall of Fame Banquet

First let me just star by saying, my camera SUCKS. So this is my disclaimer that not all the pics that I posted will be that great.

Pictured here is me of course on the HOF banner. Each year they induct a group of athletes and place their picture on the banner for all to see during the National Meet.

Here are all the inductees that were inducted this year. You will notice one familiar face down below next to me, "Deebo" from Friday.

And here I am standing next to the banner at the ceremony

Here are the inductees that were inducted into the Hall of Fame

This was my collegiate coach, Lucky Huber. We called him Lucky and yes Lucky is his real name. He was also honored this same evening and won Coach of the Year. He has been coaching for 14 yrs now.

If you know Ivan then you know it was like pulling teeth to get him to pose for these pictures. But he sucked it up and took them for me. Thanks Babe.

Of course you know I had to force him to hold me. Yeah, sometimes I have control issues. I'm trying to let go and let GOD. Pray for me I am a work in progress.

Ivan and I outside the venue. No, this was not the car we were rollin' in, although how coo' would that have been? Look how our outfit matches the car colors. At any rate, this was one of the cars on display especially for this event. It was kinda cute, because they even had a a red carpet rolled out for everyone and a hired "paparazzi" taking pics. It was cute.
Here I am posing with the some of the girls from USD track and Field. These are the girls who qualified for the NCAA Division II National Meet, which was being held this weekend.

Lucky was my coach and Gotts was the Head Mens' coach when I ran. He is the one of advocated for me to be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. Our school is going Division I next year, so this was the last year for me to be inducted. Thanks a bunch Gotts for lobbying for me.

Lucky, Me, and Gotts

Lucky, Me, and Ivan. Ivan's head was other places during this picture.
The Lakers were playing the first game of the playoffs and if you watched the game as a Lakers fan you can imagine what was going through his head while I wanted to take all these pics. He kept checkin his phone for updates.
The Lakers came back from down 20 to beat the Spurs by 4 (I beleive). At least we got to listen to the last 20 seconds of the game in the car.
Juma and Wazira posing for the camera as if they were taking pictures at Sears.

Wazira, Me, and Aaliyah. They insisted on "sandwiching" me for this picture
Me and my sisters again.
Me and Aaliyah posed outside of the event.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Today After Church

I wanted to take a picture with both of my boys, but Chauncey was doing his own thang and would have no parts of me. In addition Ivan was getting annoyed with taking pictures for me. But I gotta capture these moments. Ithought I was looking cute today. I very rarely dress up for church. I usually go in jeans. So I also wanted to get a picture.

Daddy and Darius. I've noticed in some other pictures that Darius definitely has his Daddy's smile. However, I am still confused about that complexion.

I tried to sneak a picture of Chauncey in view as well.

Chauncey displays his trophies

I entered the boys into a pageant this weekend of course against the wishes of Ivan. Chauncey ended up taking 2nd in the overall division for Baby Mr. and he also won the Personality Plus award. It was such a cute contest. Afterwards Chauncey walked off stage and ran over to Ivan and said, " Daddy I did it!" It was sooo cute. I'm not sure if I will continue to enter them into pageants, but it was a a nice experience. They theme was beachwear so everyone was dressed in beach attire.

Yes I think I look hot and sexy. I am back to prepregnancy weight, however, I am still working on toning up my tummy area. A couple more inches to go and I will have my six pack back, Whoohoooo! I must say it was harder this time getting the weight off than with Chauncey and I only gained 25 pounds with Darius.

Darius Displaying proudly displaying his trophy

Darius placed 3rd in the overall Infant Mr. Division. There were 20 babies altogether. It was sooo cute.

Darius at the mall, relaxing in the stroller.
My lil' engineer in training.

Just for fun, I had to play with his hair, the Baby Mohawk

Video of the Boys

Click on the video to play.

Nevermind Momma, take a look at those beautiful eyes, but I am a little bias.
Chauncey is a character of his own.

Yes my baby needs some lotion.
Priceless picture of Darius sleeping after Daddy just feed him a bottle.