Friday, August 17, 2007

Brotherly Love

Now this is priceless.
At bedtime Chauncey even wants to make sure he says goodnight to his lil brother and give him a kiss too....or is it just a ploy to stay up a lil longer??? The look says it all.

Daddy and Darius

Ivan holding Darius after feeding him. I love watching Ivan interact with his sons. It is such a beautiful thang!

Chauncey is actually adjusting very well to his baby brother.

Big brother and Lil Brother

Chauncey and Darius

Look it's Bootsy...Nah just Chauncey

Thank you Ms. Doreen for the sunglasses.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

It's a boy..

I delivered Darius Ivan Davis on Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 1:25 p.m. He was 6lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long. It was a natural birth....yes can you believe it. I managed to deliver without ANY drugs. I know other women have done it before me, but I never imagined going through this experience without drugs. I just really had no choice.
When I got the hospital I was already 9 cm dilated. Yeah I was in labor all night and morning. I even was running errands Thursday morning. By 11:30 I knew it was time to go, the contractions were getting stronger and more intense. I could barely walk. By 12:30 we finally made it to the hospital and of course my first question was "..can I get an epideral?" When they hesitated, I knew I was gonna have to deliver this baby all natural. This TERRIFIED me and I broke down in tears wondering how I was going to do this. After Ivan calming me, and calming myself with prayer and self talk. I pushed Darius out in about 15 minutes.
What a blessing! Thank you Jesus for this gift.

Chauncey playging with Darius at the hospital

Big brother Chauncey shows Lil D some love

Chauncey giving Darius a kiss. I wonder how long this will last? I can see Chauncey being a little terror to his younger brother. I can't wait for this journey to begin.

My three men

Ivan, Chauncey,and Darius

Darius in the office at home

Darius' First Day at home

Eyes Wide Open

I wish this weren't so blurry. But this is the best picture with his eyes open