Sunday, July 30, 2006

Karen, BJ, Aunt Mary holding Chauncey, Nana and Anaiya. We all stopped to get some homeade ice cream after lunch.
This is my favorite picture at the reunion. Uncle T-ROY and Chauncey. Don'tcha just love his shades?
The three of us displaying our award for traveling the farthest at the family reunion. You see Chauncey's nosey self looking on trying to figure out what all the commotion is about, but he did not take his hands off that bottle.
Aunt Rose with Chauncey. After a little crying at the family reunion, Chauncey began warming up. He even cracked a smile here.
Aunt Rose holding Chauncey at the family reunion.
Karen holding Chauncey with Anaiya looking on. Hmmm... looks like someone has a jealous eye on Chauncey.