Sunday, July 30, 2006

Karen, BJ, Aunt Mary holding Chauncey, Nana and Anaiya. We all stopped to get some homeade ice cream after lunch.
This is my favorite picture at the reunion. Uncle T-ROY and Chauncey. Don'tcha just love his shades?
The three of us displaying our award for traveling the farthest at the family reunion. You see Chauncey's nosey self looking on trying to figure out what all the commotion is about, but he did not take his hands off that bottle.
Aunt Rose with Chauncey. After a little crying at the family reunion, Chauncey began warming up. He even cracked a smile here.
Aunt Rose holding Chauncey at the family reunion.
Karen holding Chauncey with Anaiya looking on. Hmmm... looks like someone has a jealous eye on Chauncey.
Chauncey with Ivan's Godfather at the family reunion in Savanah, GA.
Chauncey with Nana and Pawpaw at the family reunion in Savanah, GA. Yes those are the names I've choosen for his grandparents. (Iv's parents)
Ivan getting Chauncey read in the morning. He is combing Chauncey lil afro in this picture.
I am not sure what Chauncey is doing here, but I just thought it was too cute. I guess he was a little excite about his breakfast.

Chauncey all ready for church on Sunday Morning

It's been awhile since I've posted pictures, but here are some recent pictures. Be sure to scroll through the whole page befor leaving.

Brian using his wrestling moves on Chauncey.

Ivan volunteering in the nursery at church. Sitting with Chauncey and his friend.

Quentin, Chauncey, and Lena enjoying the swing in the backyard.

Quentin and Chauncey in the backyard.

Quentin and Chauncey at Mocha Mom's playgroup.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Chauncey knocked out after eating. Quentin just getting started on his bottle.

Momma and Chauncey chillin on the couch after a Pilate workout.

Ivan preparing Chauncey early for the Steelers.

Quentin and Chauncey outside playing.

Stephanie, Chauncey, and Quentin

Chauncey grabbing Quentin.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Working out with Chauncey.

Lena saying goodbye to Chauncey before leaving for the Vegas trip.

Ivan working out with Chauncey. Ivan is riding the stationary bike with Chauncey on his lap.

Chauncey chillin' in his stroller at the Mall of America in MN.

Yes he is holding his bottle now. He is still a little awkward with it and we have to place it in his hands for him to get started, but he is making progress.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I have fallen behind in my reading. Whenever I go on vacation I fall off with my reading. Although I usually take my Bible with me, I don't ever find the time to actually read. This is something that I must make a habit. I heard somewhere that to make a routine a habit you must perform it 21 times before it becomes natural. So my goal is to read for 21 days without any interruptions so that I can make reading my Bible a habit and something that comes natural.

It is easy for me throughout the week to read/listen to the Bible, but weekends are the hardest for me. So if anyone has any suggestions then please share them with me.
Chauncey and Bashir to the left at the family reunion.

Chauncey chewing on his teething toy. His bottom tooth is coming in...FINALLY. I can actually see the white starting to bust through his gums.

Chauncey taking a bath in his new tub.

Chauncey holding his bottle down below.