Monday, September 21, 2009

Hall of fame Weekend

Out on the field right before they announce us.

Some of the track squad that was at the ceremony

Me, Lionel, and former teammates

Lucky (my coach) and I

The 2009 Hall of Fame Inductees

My acceptance speech. Why is that I never prepare a speech? Uh, DUH?? I just got up there and spoke from the heart and of course gave all the glory to God.

Ivan and I.

Steve and I were both inducted at the same time. He actually was a triple jumper as well. He use to be a 54 ft jumper.

I just wanted to take a pic outside this place.

Joaquim tagged along, so I had to document his first trip and stay at a hotel. He was great on the airplane and throughout the entire trip. What a trooper for only 2 months.

Darius and Madison at J.A.M. (Jesus And Me) playgroup at church

Loving my hair. I just had to take a picture.

I really need to take more pics with Joaquim.

Audra, Nicole and myself out for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory...

If you have not had this red velvet cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory you don't know what you are missing, well besides the 1500 calories that you will consume when you eat this enormous dessert. The three of us shared it and it was! BTW this is the dessert after we ate half of it.

Olivia climbing the rock wall

Yes I have Joaquim in the wrap and Darius on my hip!

Darius checkin' out the raffle prize he did NOT win!


Chauncey taking a break from all the excitement

Chauncey and Owen

Darius and Oliva

Monday, September 07, 2009

LA FAIR 2009

Chauncey caught a fish at the LA Fair

From the time we pulled into the parking lot he began requesting to play games. I am amazed that he remembered there were games here. The past couple of years he didn't play games or ride any of the rides...I guess this is the age it all begins.

Darius joinin in on the fun.

My lil man is getting so tall....42 inches here.

Darius all tuckered out.
Ivan playing a game with Chauncey at the LA Fair. This game was 7 tickets!!

OMG I had to squeeze in this ride because Darius was not tall enough to ride on his own. The train only went like 2 mi and hour but it was fun for them as they sang the Old McDonald song.

Chauncey on his first ride EVER alone.

So proud of Chauncey for getting on his first ride by himself. He was looking kinda scared, but again he made Momma and Daddy's the lil things..

My goal is to take a picture with Darius smiling.

Me and the boys out for a ride/run.

Chauncey riding his bike. Now that he has learned how to ride his bike with training wheels we have to make it a daily activity. So around 6:30pm every night I take them out for a ride around the cul de sac to help wind them down before bath time.

Darius thinks he is a big boy and wants to ride the scooter. He can barely even ride it, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

And around and around they go.

Now I must say this was hard to juggle, Darius in class while attending to Joaquim's needs. But I am gonna get it together and I'll have it mastered in no time.

Here is Darius and Madison painting their elephant craft.