Thursday, May 28, 2009

Darius' Playdate with Madison

After leaving Chauncey's celebration at Water of Life it was time for Darius to have his own time. Here he is playing with Madison at Victoria Gardens

Chauncey's Last Day of School

Today was Chauncey's last day of school at Water of Life. He will resume in the fall in the Pre-K classroom. The theme for the end of the year celebration was Cirucus Time. So the kids made clown hats (which Chauncey would not wear) and the staff set up games for the kids to play outside. The had music and food for eveyrone and ended with ice cream sundaes...mmmm!

Chauncey with some of his classmates.
Me and Chauncey.

Okay I had not planned on staying as long as I did. I kept trying to leave, but Chauncey kept insisting that Darius sit down and eat with him. I had such a difficult time getting out of there and then I felt bad when I picked him up. Apparently he had been crying for his "mommy".

Madison enjoying the games as well.


Darius enjoying the parachute game.

Some of Chauncey's classmates

Sofia and her mom. Chauncey talks about her ALLLL the time.

Chauncey and Darius


Loren, Lucas, and Jalen

Sunday, May 24, 2009

2009 Family Vacation

I was so impressed with Ivan's planning of our little getaway. It was just nice to escape everyday life and spend time with the boys. We went to Palm Springs for a couple of days and while we were there, we went to the mountains via the TRAM, the Air Museum and viewed War Airplanes, and the Livign Desert. We had planned to go to the Children's Museum as well while we were out there, but we we were tired after the 2nd day an opted for naps and more time at the pool.
I really enjoyed myself. I am so thankful that I have a husband that put all this together. I didn't have to think a bit, I just woked up and asked him what was on the agenda for the day. LOVELY!
I love when Chauncey actually acts like a big brother. Here he is holding Darius' hand while crossing the parking lot.

Chauncey playing with someone's noodle. I have no idea where he got this from, but he made it his toy while in the pool.

This cheetah was just chillin in the shade and I don't blame him. It was hot as all get out in the desert.

Enjoying the pool area at the villa

Water break at the Living Desert. I thought I was a trooper but after 2 hours of walkin in 100 degree weather and 7.5 months pregnant, I was a goner. The inner beast was coming out and I was lashing out at Ivan AND on top of it all I was HUNGRY. Now that is a bad combo for me. But I tried to keep the complainin to a minimum and keep remindin's not about ME...this is for the boys! But you know I was very irritated when it was time to leave and they wanted to watch the trains for another 15 minutes. I was about fallin asleep as I "patiently"sat on the bench.

At the Living desert

The boys checking out the model trains at the Living Desert in Palm Desert. We waited here 30 minutes while they watched the trains.

I am trying to take as many pics as possible with this pregnancy since it is the last one...sigh

Darius playin in the "beach" sand at the villa.

Chauncey really beleives he can swim that is until you take him into the 5ft area where he can't touch his feet to the bottom anymore.

Darius and that tongue of his. He is always chewin on it or showin it to us. I don't know what that's about.

Darius kicking in the jacuzzi. Yeah I know I shouldn't be in the jacuzzi but I couldn't resist. I only stayed in for about 10 minutes though. It was so nice.

I love these zero entry pools where the kids can just walk in on their own. However, you do gotta keep a close eye on them. You can see my boys think they are swimming although they are barely in the water.

The entrance to our villa was beautiful so I just had to take a picture of this water feature and then of course I had to get in the pic.

My future pianists

Tuskegee Airmen

The boys enjoying the Air Museum