Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chauncey's First Soccer Game

This was soo much fun to watch. Chauncey had no idea what to do he was just out there running most of the time. Then every now and then he woudl have a conversation wtih Quentin, who was on the opposing team. I think he kick the ball one time. But he still doesn't get the concept of playing the game quite yet. He knows how to kick and dribble, but putting the two together AND running towards the correct goal is something very foreign to him at this point. None the less. It's entertaining and he is having fun. The kids really just look forward to the SNACK at the end of the game. Now that is hilarious! Oh and by the way they did win 5-4, but we don't "keep score".

Chauncey and Quentin were more interested in having a conversation with one another than playing. The ball would go right past them and they would have NO IDEA until all the kids started running

I love this picture of the team time out.

Chauncey is pretty fast. You can see him trailing the one with the ball. He is #11. The problem is he would just start running sometimes and not know where the ball was at all. He LOVES to run.

The kids "bunching" around the ball.

Coach Gerald trying to direct the kids. He got a good workout running up and down the field.

Mustafa and Chauncey waiting to go in the game. they didn't start, but eventually they just let all the kids go in the game at once.

Chauncey actually has a nice follow through on his kick as long as no one is in his way.

Chauncey dribbling the ball.

The team stretching with Coach Gerald

Chauncey is in his own world stretching. As yo can see he is not within the stretching cirlce or even facing his teammates. He is the youngest on his team. The ages range from 3(Chauncey) to 6 yrs old.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Easter 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Peyton & Darius

NIcole, Madison, Peyton, and Zipora

LA Zoo

Darius and I at the LA Zoo with friends Madison and Peyton and their mommies, Nicole and Zipora.

We had such a great time. I wanted some one on one time with just Darius so Chauncey did not join us. He was at school.

Madison sliding

Peyton and Darius