Saturday, March 07, 2009

My Little Helper

I told Chauncey that I needed to wash my car and he did not let me forget when we got home. Despite it raining outside, he insisted on washing my car because it was so dirty (according to him). So instead of listen to the whining, I gave him a bucket of soapy water, a sponge and a towel and let him go to work. He was in the garage for about a half an hour "washin" my car. Of course I had to go and get it washed for real, but it was so sweet of him to want to do this. I just hope he is this eager when he gets older and it becomes one of his chores :-)

My Little Incredible Hulk

Darius got this toy for Christmas and it suits him perfectly. When you push the legs together it makes the Incredible Hulk grunt and if you push his stomach he will say in his angry voice "You're making me angry!" And it just cracks me up b/c Darius can have a lil mean streak in him as well and he wears his expressions on his face.
Darius painting his V-day gift for Nana and Papa at Color Me mine.

The boys really enjoyed this project and making a mess. I was annoyed with myself because I forgot the camera at home so I had to resort to cell phone pics. At least I was able to capture a few.

Chauncey with "Ruffy". Each child at preschool was allowed to take the stuff animal home for the weekend and then journal the dog's experience. They even got to name the dog themselves, and Chauncey chose the name Ruffy.

Donovan's Basketball Birthday Party

Chauncey listening to directions before the game. This was a birthday party and it was set up so cute for the the adult men vs the teenagers first, then the peewee game and then the freethrow contest for the momma's.

Can you spot Ivan? I will give you a hint, he has on the shortest shorts on the court.

Chauncey practicing taking a shot before the PeeWee game, which was hilarious.

Darius trying to show proper form.

Mommy and Darius Time

Now that Chauncey is at school twice a week.I get to spend some one on one time with Darius. Here we are at Victoria Gardens. We played at the park, went to the library to play a couple of educational computer games, ate lunch and then headed home for a nap.

Soulfood Sunday at Damita's

Long Beach Aquarium with Steph and Damita's Family

Playdate with Madison and Nicole

Mocha kids enjoying the backyard during a Support Group Meeting

Chino Youth Museum with Jadon and Chris

Darius in the office