Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I actually made cards for everyone, but I wasn't able to get them out in time. So you all will have to settle for these pics of the boys.

Date Night with friends. The guys planned a night out on the town including dinner and dancing.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween 2008

Darius at Water of Life Church. I sat on the set of the pupper show to take pictures. Chauncey was having no parts of this picture

Halloween Night. It really wasn't this cold, but Mommy was being overly protecteive.

Enjoying a lollipop at the Center

Chauncey playing games at the Heritage Center.

I was trying to get a picture of all three of them dressed in Superman. This is Chauncey with Owen and Darius

Both of my Supermen at the Heritage Community Center Halloween Festival

Ivan and Darius at Water of Life Church Halloween Night watching a puppet show

Chauncey and I decorating a paper pumpkin

Darius at Chuck E Cheese Halloween Party

Chauncey decorating his cookie at our Mocha Mom Halloween Party.

My Superman

I don't know why Chauncey feels the need to smile like this everytime I take a picture of him.