Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mommy & Me Moments are GREAT!

We love cooking together. I am no chef, but give me a recipe and I can follow it to a T. This was our homeade chicken pizza with olives, onions, tomatoes and mushrooms.
Obviously it turned out GREAT! Chauncey loved it and it was a great way for me to incorporate some other veggies into his diet.
Darius and I at the Living Dessert in Palm Desert. Ivan planned a surprise trip there on a Sunday. Unfortunately Chauncey was sick and so we had to cut the trip short.
I know this isn't safe, but he just loves puttin my rollers in his mouth and playing around with them. So they only play with them when supervised, YEAH RIGHT!!

Chauncey, Donovan, and Owen's tushy in the air at Newport Beach.
Enjoyin the water at Newport Beach

Darius taking a cat nap at the beach.

Chauncey and Darius enjoying their wading pool.

Quentin and Chauncey enjoyin a movie in Chauncey's room.
Chauncey making cookies

I'm playing bas-ket-baaaalll!
Chauncey started to wind down for a minute at the party. But one quick pep talk with Daddy and he was back into the action.

Chauncey and his buddy Owen.
Olivia, Dwayne, Ivan, and Darius
Some of the Mocha Moms' Families at the Firestation Open House
All of my boys.

Darius with Teacher Sue at Mommy & Me playschool.
Darius enjoying the swing at school during playtime.
Me and my boys.
Darius today, 10/11/08 at the Firehouse Open House

Quentin and Chauncey cheesin' at Chris' party
My boys
Chauncey pretending to do the dishes. Let's see if he is this anxious when he gets older.
Brushing teeth in the morning. Darius is trying to get the hang of it.

Darius in the ball pit having a blast at Austin's party 10/111/08
Darius a couple days after his haircut.
Anthony, Larenzo, Ivan and Darius at Chris' party