Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Darius

What is it about bubbles that make kids go CRAZY!

The kids were having so much fun. I just couldn't resist and got inside the tunnel myself.

Enjoying pizza after play.

Hand sanitizer for everyone

Parachute time was a big hit.

Elijah in the tunnel

Nydia with her boys

Alicia and Ashton
Taura, Taurice and Arianna
Darius enjoying the equipment
The twins, Zora and Elijah

Chauncey, the boys and Taurice enjoying ice cream at a Mocha Mom meeting. Can you find Chauncey. All the boys look so much alike I lad a hard time finding my own son.
Ivan with the boys at the park. We were out to watch one of the weekly movies in the park, but after viewing the ducks and turtle at the pond and playin at the playground, they were too pooped to watch the movie.

Grub Time!

One of Chauncey's rare moments where he is actually eating something. In this case we were having BBQ chicken.
And you see here Darius has no problem eating anything and EVERYTHING. He is definitely what we call an "eat'em up" There has yet to be something we've put in front of him that he hasn't eaten.

Darius' First Kiss

We looked over and Olivia was giving Darius a kiss on the cheek so we asked her to do it again and apparently Darius like it judging by his expression.

Breakfast with Elmo at Sea World

I've taken so many pictures now Chauncey will get in chair with his brother and tell ME to get the camera.

My boys with me early one morning. You see Ivan has already dressed them and I am still in my PJs I am not ready to get up quite yet and they want to snuggle with me too.