Sunday, December 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Chauncey

We celebrated Chauncey's birthday this weekend at this house with a few of his friends. Despite the cold and wet weather. The kids had a blast.

We tried to get him to pose, but he was more intereste din the train on his cake.
The Walton family

Birthday Pitures

It took awhile before they warmed up to this game.

The kids picking up the candy from the pinata
Carmen and Chauncey
Rosemary and her boys CJ and Jered

The moms being good sports as we attempt to play/dance with their little ones
A couple of the guests enjoying some food.
A lil play time with the kids as I attempt to pick Chauncey up. We had to abort this activity as the kids seemed interested in other things, ie riding the trucks.

Lisa and Ava. Lisa was one of my students when I taught high school. Now she is my mentee.
"O" and his cousin Byron

Mary and Devon working on their craft.

Chauncey and his best friend, Quentin
The cake. I didn't realize that the train actually rode around the track until afterwards.
The boys again playing with the balloons.
It looks like I am having more fun than the kids here as I grab all the candy out of the pinata. Chauncey pulled the string to release the secret door, but the candy did not fall out, so I had to give it a helping hand.

Aunt Mary with BJ, Vone' and Aniyah, with Dre looking on in the background.

BJ and Chauncey
Chauncey hanging with his sidekick.

Thanksgiving 2007

Ivan with cousin Vondre' Jr
Vondre' holding Darius
Whaley & Davis family posing on Thanksgiving Day
Vone', Vondre' Sr, Vondre' Jr, Chauncey, Ivan, and Darius on Thanksgiving 2007

Ivan with the boys at home in SC
Papa trying to bribe Chauncey with a ball as Nana holds him.
Darius with cousin Dre Thanksgiving day at Aunt Mary's

Darius practicing holding his head up.
Our 4th yr anniversary, November 28. We went out to a jazz and fondue restaurant.
Papa with Darius
Darius enjoying his bathing experience with Nana.

In South Carolina for Thanksgiving

Chauncey and Papa playing with the balls on the pool table. Chauncey was wearing him out every chance he got to play with the balls.

Nana holding Darius as Chauncey looks on.
Papa and Chauncey fast asleep on the couch. This picture is priceless.
Momma and Darius at home in SC.