Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

Chauncey relaxing by the pool with Daddy

Chauncey and Daddy at Denalin's pool party

Chauncey loves the water.

Chauncey and Daddy at Victoria Gardens

You can always tell how enthused Ivan is about events I drag him to by the look on his face. Doesn't his expression tell it all. Love ya babe.
This night was Movies in the Park. We got the chance to see the movie "Cars"

Chauncey and Christina playing ball

Aunt Lena with Muhammad Yaya and Muhammad Yacob

Chauncey trying to give his cousin a kiss while Muhammad Yaya tries to escape back to the water.
Muhammad Yaya cheesin for the camera

Chauncey at story time with Uncle Juma

Juma was able to calm Chauncey down by letting him play with his beads during story time.

Chauncey playing in the park

Quentin & Chauncey at Sesame Street Live

Chauncey was able to enjoy the first half of the show, but was knocked out during the 2nd half.

Chauncey on his way to the zoo.

Am I coo' or what??

Chauncey at Storytime

Chauncey enjoys the songs and play time during story time.

Chauncey in the water at Victoria Gardens

Chauncey at the zoo