Monday, April 30, 2007

Chauncey playing in the water

Chauncey at the park

Chauncey at Quentin's house

Chauncey loves riding this truck, too bad it's not his. Ivan and I will have to invest in getting him one of these.

Chauncey eating yogurt on his own.

Chauncey cheesin for the camera.

Ivan looks disgusted in this picture because the Lakers were playing and....well enough said. If you know Ivan and you knowthe Lakers then you understand his face of discontent.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Chauncey having a blast at church today.

Chauncey at the petting zoo

Chauncey before church

Although it was a lil cold out here in CA. We decided to let Chauncey wear his outfit his Nana bought him especially for Easter. He was the man at church and got lots of compliments off his outfit. Thanks Nana

Lena at 5 months

This picture was actually taken today, Easter Sunday. I am 20 weeks or approximately 5 months. I am half way there and still have not found out the sex. I think I am going to be able to make the entire pregnancy. And for those of you that think you will just ask Ivan what the sex is, he doesn't know either. It's gonna be a surprise to all of us!
However, I did have a dream last night that I had a boy that looked exactly like Chauncey but was born prematurely. I don't know what that means. You know you tend to have wierd dreams when you are pregnant.

Chauncey collecting eggs at playschool

Chauncey and Lena at home after church

Chauncey at the petting zoo at church

I actually thought Chauncey would be afraid of the animals, but he was fine. He reached out to touch a few, of course it is difficult to capture those moments quickly before their interest turns to something else. Here I had to coax him into petting this animal (I have no idea what it is) so that we could get a picture.

Ivan was getting pretty grumpy with taking pictures at this point. I had to force both of my lil men to take this, but I wanted to "capture the moment." I love my lil grumpster, AKA Ivan.

Easter Pictures 2007