Friday, March 23, 2007

Chauncey with Sunglasses

Chauncey at Kailyn's party

Thanks to Uncle T-ROY for this outfit he was sporting at a Birthday Party. This outfit comes complete with sunglasses, but Chauncey was not having any parts of that this day. This was our first public episode of his temper tantrum. I think I was less stressed than Ivan.I just let him sit

there and do his thang for a couple of minutes. But he had a couple of meltdowns this day. Personally I think he was just tired, because someone, (I am not naming no names-Ivan) forgot to put him down for a nap before we came to the party. Since I was gone all day I am excusing myself from the nap duty, thus excusing myself from the blame. Love ya babe

Chauncey dunking the basketball

Since his first multisyllabic word was basketball, it was only natural for us to put a hoop in his room. This is only temporary until he graduates to a real hoop. He loves basketball. Anytime it is on TV he will stop what he is doing to watch and recite, "Basketbal!" while giving his sign for bas

ketball which is his hand in the air like he just shot a ball. Believe it or not he made that up all on his own!

Okay too cool for school, right? I love it when he puts on his glasses and walks around like he is a big boy.Everyone told me it would go by fast and already he is headed for 2. Watching all of his developmental milestones have been great. It's amazing to see how incredibly smart kids are at this age.

Chauncey at the park

Chauncey playing at the park. He looks a little frightened in this picture, but I can assure you that he was having a blast. He loves to be outside playing. Sometimes we are out for hours. But the great thing is that the playing tires him out and he goes

to sleep for a couple of hours which gives mea break. Whoooohooo!

Chauncey signing eat.

We were at TGIF

and Chauncey let us know he was hungry by signing to us "EAT" which is done by placing his hand to his mouth and hitting his mouth a couple of times. Baby Signs have been great. Each morning when Ivan or I get him from the bed, he lets us know he wants to eat by signing, "EAT". He can also tell us when he wants a diaper change by giving us the sign for diaper. Which is when he pats himself on his hip. However, we are trying to get him to be more consistent with this sign. He has quite mastered it yet. But in total Chauncey can sign ball, basketball (which he made up his own sign for and can now say), hat, sleep, light, bird, book, and dog.

Daddy reading to Chauncey

Chauncey at 15 months

Chauncey playing in his room.