Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chauncey standing up in his room on the rocking chair.

Chauncey doing chin ups.

Ivan preparing Chauncey to become a weightlifter.

Chauncey's Haircut

Tyhesia with Chauncey after his first haircut. He did such a good job. He only whined a little bit. What abig boy!

Chauncey's First Haircut

Tyhesia cutting the back of Chauncey's hair.

Chauncey's First Haircut

Chauncey sitting in the chair before we start the cut. He has no idea what's about to happen. I was afraid that he was gonna act the fool and we would have to walk outta there with a mohawk. Although those are "in" right now, they are not for a baby to wear.

Chauncey's First Haircut

Tyheshia making the first cut with the clippers. Chauncey was relatively good. He did not have a fit like most babies.

Chauncey's First Haircut

Chauncey was such a big boy as Momma holds him in her arms while Tyheshia cuts his hair

Chauncey's First Haircut

The final haircut. After we got home. Ivan decided to line Chauncey up. OOOOh no more hair for my little man. He is really growing up.