Thursday, November 11, 2010

Darius and Joaquim enjoying a sucker while watching Chauncey's flag football game.

Introduciiiing..... our future football player, Joaquim Matai. Look at him ready to go!

Why is he just chillin' in Ivan's chair while eating some ice....too grown for 16 months!

Chauncey getting face paint during Festival at Water of Life

I think it is tooo funny that Darius ALWAYS chooses a smiley face as his character to place on his face. That sums up Darius in a nutshell. I Love it!


Chauncey and Quentin before goind trick or treating.
Looks like Chris adjusting his hat.
Chauncey in his Iron Man stance.

All the kids. We tried to get a group shot, but that was impossible with all of their adrenalyne pumpin. They were too excited to get out to get candy.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ivan& Damita's Birthday Dinner

Ivan only wanted a white on white cake, so that's exactly what I made him.

Damita wanted a chocolate chip cheesecake instead of a cake, so that's what I made her.

All the boys enjoying their popcorn.

Bass Pro Shop...Halloween Eve

They really think that we are going to buy them one of these bikes. Notice how the sign is conveniently located in the picture with Chauncey.

Halloween Party at Speech Class

Frankenstein Pumpkin

Chauncey with all of his Speech Classmates and Teachers

Halloween Party at Speech Class

Joaquim at the Pumpkin Patch..

Trying to help Joaquim choose a pumpkin.
Here Joaquim is with Olivia (at top), Madison, and Orlando at the Pumpkin Patch.

My Gym

Joaquim's favorite thing to do while at My Gym. We go to classes once a week. It's Mommy and Me time. I love the one on one time I get with him for that one hour. I can focus on him and him alone without any distractions from his brothers.

Basketball is one of Joaquim's favorite things to do while at My Gym
Joaquim being silly at My Gym class
Crazy Hat day at Water of Life

And Joaquim loooves bath time. We cannot bathe him with Chauncey and Darius though because he splashes too much.

Chauncey and P90x

One day Ivan took the boys to the garage to play while he worked out, P90x style. Chauncey asked if he could work out with him and proceeded to pull his mat out next to Ivan, 20 minutes later he was still handlig the Cardio X portion of p90x. Chauncey has now completed 2 workouts with Ivan and the last time he actually made it through the entire workout. He is so self motived to workout simply because he sees us doing it. It is FUN to him.

Now Darius...take a look at him in the background just watching.

Joaquim playing blocks with Ivan

Darius previewing his costume before Halloween

At T's Fotball Game

Chauncey with Ivan's hat on thinkin he is cool.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Chauncey playing tennis with Ivan